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Ledger Nano X Review + How-to-store crypto guide

HOW-TO GUIDE: How to keep your cryptocurrencies safe (XRP, BTC, LTC, ETH, TRX...)?


State of the art hardware wallet with large screen ($119 | 119 EUR).
Buy Ledger Nano X

Protect your crypto assets (XRP, BTC, LTC, TRX...)


You can buy and sell cryptocurrencies on a wide range of cryptocurrency exchanges. But it is essential that you set up a safe and secure wallet to store your crypto. There are a number of wallets available (web, mobile, desktop and hardware wallets) - the most secure ones are hardware wallets.

Protect your crypto assets with the most popular multi currency hardware wallet on the market - Ledger Nano.

There are two main versions of Ledger Nano hardware wallet:

  1. Ledger Nano S ($59 USD | 59 EUR). Read Review
  2. Ledger Nano X ($119 EUR; enhanced with additional features); Read Review

Hardware wallet is the safest option (recommended)

Ledger Nano X hardware wallet achieves maximum security by storing your private key and signing your Bitcoin/Litecoin/Ripple transactions offline (cold storage).

Why Buy Ledger Nano?

Over 1,400,000 Ledger Nano sold worldwide

Ledger Nano X is the most secure cryptocurrency hardware wallet today

The Ledger Nano X is built around a secure chip, ensuring optimal security

Make sure you buy the Ledger Nano X from the official website to avoid any kind of scam or fake product and to make sure you receive an authentic Ledger product. Never buy a Ledger Nano X or any other hardware wallet from eBay.

Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano S is a cheaper version in the Ledger Nano family of hardware wallets ($59 USD). Read Review  |  Buy Ledger Nano S

The Ledger Nano X looks like a flash drive (USB). It has an OLED screen and it comes with a USB cable compatible with the USB ports of your computer.


Contents of the Box (Ledger nano X)

Check the contents of the box and make sure that it contains all of the following items:

  • 1 Ledger Nano X
  • 1 USB cable
  • 1 getting started leaflet
  • 3 recovery sheets
  • 1 keychain strap



The Ledger Nano X has no on/off button: just connect it to a computer to turn it on, and disconnect it to turn it off. The Ledger Nano X is not equipped with a battery.

Once you have made sure you got all the accessories in the box, you must configure the hardware wallet before you can use it.



System requirements:

  • USB
  • 64-bit desktop computer (Windows 8+, macOS 10.8+, Linux) or smartphone (iOS 9+ or Android 7+)
  • internet connection
  • Google Chrome (browser)

Check the device is not preconfigured:

  • Make sure your Ledger device was not preconfigured with a PIN code that you did not choose yourself. The device should display Welcome and Press both buttons to begin when you turn it on for the first time
  • Ledger never provides a PIN code in any way, shape or form. Always choose the PIN code yourself.
  • If a PIN code is given to you or if the device requires a PIN code you did not choose: it is not safe for you to use the device. Please contact Ledger Support for assistance.


Connect the Ledger Nano X to your computer using the supplied USB cable.


Press both buttons simultaneously as instructed on the Ledger Nano X screen.

You can then choose to initialize a new seed, a 24-word recovery phrase.

Then select "Configure as new device?" by pressing the right button located above the validation icon


  • Choose a PIN code between 4 and 8 digits long.
  • This code will be requested each time you start your Ledger Nano X.
  • An 8-digit PIN code provides an optimum level of security.
  • Depending on the firmware version installed on the Ledger Nano X, the number of digits requested may vary: - if version 1.1 or 1.2 is installed, you need to choose a 4-digit PIN code; - if version 1.3 or higher is installed, you may select a 4-, 5-, 6-, 7- or 8-digit PIN code.

STEP 4 ( 24-word recovery phrase: your only backup )

The 24 words will now be displayed one by one on the Ledger Nano X screen.
Be careful, these 24 words will be displayed only once on the screen during the initialization process.

Make sure you keep safe your 24-word recovery phrase. Ledger does not keep any backup of your 24 words

  1. Take the blank Recovery sheet supplied in the box.
  2. On the Recovery sheet, write down the first word (Word #1) and verify that you have copied it correctly in position 1.
  3. Move to the second word (Word #2) by pressing the right button and verify that you have written it correctly in position 2 on the Recovery sheet.
  4. Repeat the process until the twenty-fourth word (Word #24).
  5. Validate the 24 words by simultaneously pressing both buttons. The message Confirm your recovery phrase will be displayed on the Ledger Nano S in order to confirm your 24 words. Select each required word by navigating with the left or right button and validate the word by pressing both buttons.
  6. When your Ledger Nano X displays Your device is now ready, it has been initialized and is ready for use

Ledger Nano X doesn’t store your digital currencies on the device itself. It tracks them on the blockchain, which serves as a digital ledger to record transactions. The Nano S holds and protects the private data (e.g. private keys) needed to access and manage your digital currencies.


Installing an Application on Your Hardware Wallet (Ledger Live app)

After the configuration, you need to install an application to manage different digital currencies on your Ledger Nano X.

  1. Go to
  2. Download the Ledger Live application
  3. Double-click the Ledger Live executable file you downloaded
  4. If a warning displays, click Yes to allow the installation of Ledger Live
  5. Once the installation completes, click Finish

The first time you use the Ledger Live application, it will help you set up your Ledger device and configure a few important settings so you can quickly take your first steps with the application.

Ledger Live app will help you to:

  1. Send and receive crypto assets.
  2. Check the total balance of your crypto assets with real-time rates, wherever you are.
  3. Install apps on your Ledger device.



The Ledger Nano X supports over 1000 cryptocurrencies. The main coins can be sent / received via the Ledger Live software interface.

Top supported coins:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE)
  • Zcash (ZEX)
  • Dash (DASH)
  • Tron (TRX)
  • Cardano (ADA)*

* Cardano (ADA) will be added in Q2 2019



  • Free shipping
  • Easy Return
  • Secured Payments
  • Customer Support


My Ledger Nano X Rating:


Cryptocurrencies hacks have become common and people who trusted the exchange might lost their cryptocurrencies.

I recommend buying the Ledger Nano X because it is a very secure hardware wallet product with an affordable price tag and it's very easy to use it.

State-of-the-art security (CC EAL5+ certified secure chip)

Simple backup in the form of 24 words

Simplicity: 2 buttons and a small monitor in the form of a USB stick

Mobility over a bluetooth connection with the smartphone and built-in battery

Multicurrency: More than 1100 assets supported

More storage space for over 100 apps


State-of-the-art security
         (CC EAL5+ certified secure chip)

Simple backup ( 24 words )

2 buttons and a small monitor (USB stick)

Bluetooth connection with the
         smartphone and built-in battery

Multicurrency: 1100+ assets

Storage space: 100+ apps

Did you know...?

1) It is estimated that there was over $1.5 billion stolen from exchanges

2) QuadrigaCX, Canadian crypto exchange can't access $180 million customer funds as their CEO died traveling in India & no one knows his computer's passwords. So, Canadian crypto exchange QuadrigaCX now owes its customers $190 million and cannot access most of the funds.

3) CEO of major crypto exchange Kraken warns: "Do Not Store Crypto on Any Exchange". If you don't own your private keys your crypto is not 100% safe.

4) "But still using a hardware wallet is IMO the gold standard, particularly for long-term storage of large amounts", David Schwartz, Chief Technology Officer at Ripple

5) Andreas M. Antonopoulos; "I'll go on the record and say the Hardware Wallets are better than software and paper wallets for all except a handful of opsec/infosec experts. Security isn't about absolutes. It's all relative and complexity/operator skill are of the utmost importance."

It is important to know that your crypto is safest when you own your private keys i.e. you keep them on the hardware wallet! Secure your crypto and buy Ledger Nano X

Contact Ledger support:

To access the full documentation and Ledger Support, please visit


Links - Exchanges and cryptocurrency cards

1) Where to buy XRP (list of exchanges)

2) Binance

3) Coinbase - the easiest and fastest way to buy crypto with your credit / debit card

4) Wirex card

If you’re looking to keep your cryptocurrencies safe, you would need a hardware wallet and the Ledger Nano X is one of the best on the market.


Ledger Nano S is a cheaper version in the Ledger Nano family of hardware wallets ($59 USD). Read Review  |  Buy Ledger Nano S

This information should not be interpreted as an endorsement of cryptocurrency or any specific provider, service or offering.

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