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How to tip XRP (Ripple) on Twitter?

Date: Update: January 2020 (first ver: September 2018)   Keywords: Ripple, XRP, Ccryptocurrency, XRP Tip Bot

What is an XRP Tip Bot?

HOW-TO GUIDE: Sending/receiving XRP tips on Twitter with XRP Tip Bot

XRP Tip Bot is one of the most popular applications in use by Tweeter users developed by Wietse Wind (a software developer from The Netherlands). XRP Tip Bot is multi-platform tip application which works for three major social media platforms: Twitter, Reddit and Discord.

Did you know?
XRP Tip Bot is now available in 40+ languages (English, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, Korean, German, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Turkish, Serbian, Czech, Croatian...)! The website will determine the browser language, and if your browser is set to German, the XRP Tip Bot site will be in German.

XRP Tip Bot allows Twitter (or Reddit) users to send XRP (Ripple) to each other through Tweets (or comments). If you are feeling generous and want to send a tip to your friends, followers or anybody with a Twitter account you can now you use this incredibly useful, simple and fun tool.

But you can't go mad with tips. There are some limits you must be aware of:

  1. Tipping amount limit: 5 XRP / tip (500 XRP / tip in the mobile app)
  2. Withdrawal limit: 1000 XRP / month

How to send a tip?

STEP 1 - Login into XRP Tip Bot

You will need first to login in into your XRP Tip Bot account using your Twitter username (no registration required). Go to this page


STEP 2 - Deposit some XRP

You will need to deposit XRP to your XRP Tip Bot account first. All you need is a positive balance of XRP and you can begin tipping. You can can add XRP to your balance in different ways:

  1. XRP deposit: deposit XRP from an exchange or your wallet
  2. ILP: deposit to your ILP payment pointer
  3. Receive XRP tip on Twitter

Other deposit options include:

  1. Deposit and exchange at Bitrue
  2. Deposit using


STEP 3 - Start tipping

When you find a post that you like simply reply to that post (user). Use this format to send a tip: +<amount> #xrptip e.g. type @XRPTrump +0.25 #xrptip to send 0.123456 XRP to the user you reply to (Twitter / Discord*).

If your tweet is not a reply, the tip goes to the twitter user first mentioned in your tweet except if that's you yourself or @xrptipbot. Also note that retweets don’t trigger tips.

Here is an example:



What if you want to send multiple tips all at once? This would be the syntax then:

[User Mention] [+amount] [#xrptip mention] e.g.:

@XRPTrump +0.25 #xrptip
@RobertLe88 +1.5 #xrptip

This is a very cool way to spread the love ❤ to multiple Twitter users in one tweet!



1) When you want to send a tip to a different user (not the one you are replaying to) use this syntax:

“Hello user +amount#xrptip” i.e. Hello @stedas +0.5 #xrptip

In this case "hello"’ separates the reply chain and the TipBot syntax. So, the reply needs to start with text, otherwise it’s parsed as a reply and a tip goes to the person you replied to.

2) Don't add any text between the user mention and the amount, for example:

Not good: @TwitterUsername hey it's me +amount #xrptip

Good: @TwitterUsername +amount #xrptip



When you find a post on Reddit that you like simply reply with a comment. Use this format to send a tip: +<amount> /u/xrptipbot, eg. +1.25 /u/xrptipbot (reddit). The tipping amount limit is the same as for the Twitter users: 5 XRP per tip.


Your earnings in XRP

On your XRP Tip Bot account page you can check the following tips stats:

  1. Tips sent
  2. Tips received
  3. ILP / Coil deposits (deposits aquired from your Coil web-enabled site)
  4. XRP Balance (total XRP balance)

How to embed the XRP Tip Bot on your own website/blog?

Using a small script code you can embed the XRP Tip Bot on your own website or blog. When a XRP Tip Bot user visits your website, he/she can send you a tip with just one click on a button. How cool is that!!!

Insert the following script on your website/blog. Make sure you replace the "to" field in the code with your Twitter username (i.e. replace "stedas" with your username)

<a amount="0.25" size="275" to="stedas" network="twitter" 
href="" target="_blank"></a>
<script async src="" 

You can see how the XRP Tip Bot button looks like below:

You can customize the amount (e.g. amount="0.25") and size (e.g. size="275") parameters. Please note that a tipping amount limit is set to 5 XRP per tip.


How to withdraw XRP?

You can always withdraw XRP to your wallet (as long as you have some XRP in your XRP Tip Bot account). Remember, current withdrawal limit is 100 XRP / month.

To do this, you must provide:

  1. XRP amount you want to withdraw (e.g. 20 XRP)
  2. public XRP wallet address (e.g. rPEPPER7kfTD9w2To4CQk6UCfuHM9c6GDY )
  3. destination tag, if required (e.g. 1475)

Click “Withdraw” to proceed. The transaction will be executed within a few minutes.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

  1. Why XRP Tip Bot? And how does it work?
    >> The XRP Tip Bot is created to enable reddit / Twitter users to send tips (small amounts of XRP) to other users. To show appreciation for helping / sharing information / etc. To do this, a user can simply reply to a post or comment with the right syntax, while mentioning /u/xrptipbot (reddit) or #xrptip (Twitter, Discord). The Tip Bot monitors mentions and processes the tip.
  2. Who is behind the XRP Tip Bot?
    >> The XRP Tip Bot (the reddit account /u/xrptipbot, Twitter/Discord account @xrptipbot and this website) are created and maintained by /u/pepperew (reddit), @WietseWind (Twitter); a software developer from The Netherlands with over 15 years of experience in the software development industry (and a great Ripple (company) & XRP (coin) enthousiast).
  3. My deposit / withdrawal didn't work. What to do?
    >> Wait a bit, and check the wallet and destination tag you sent your deposit / withdrawal to. If you really think something is wrong, contact /u/pepperew at reddit using a private message, or @WietseWind at Twitter. Please attach your transaction hash, the wallet address (from), the wallet address (to) and a detailed explanation.
  4. Where is the XRP balance / Where are the tips?
    >> When you deposit to the XRP Tip Bot, you send a small amount to the XRP wallet of the Tip Bot: rPEPPER7kfTD9w2To4CQk6UCfuHM9c6GDY. since all the transactions are publicly readable in the XRP ledger, everyone is able to check if deposits and withdrawals are processed. All the tips are in the XRP Tip Bot database. The XRP Tip Bot maintains a list of the reddit / Twitter usernames & balance. Another table in the database contains all the mutations.
  5. What about Security?
    >> The XRP Tip Bot only knows the reddit / Twitter username and it's balance + mutations (tips, deposits, withdrawals). When you deposit, the database of the XRP Tip Bot will also store the sending XRP wallet address. When you withdraw, the database of the XRP Tip Bot will also store the XRP wallet address & destination tag the XRP is sent to. The information stored in the XRP Tip Bot database is nothing more than (a combination of) information that is already publicly available. However: serious precautions are implemented to ensure the security of the XRP Tip Bot platform and its database. To prevent loss of funds in case of a security breach, this website is not realtime connected to the part of the application connected to the XRP ledger.
  6. What about KYC / AML / Jurisdiction?
    >> No KYC checks will be performed, other than the requirement to sign in using a verified reddit / Twitter account. However: to prevent the XRP Tip Bot to be used for money laundering, a withdraw limit is set of an amount XRP equivalent to 100 XRP per month per user. If your balance is over 100 XRP, you can still send tips, you can still withdraw max. 100 XRP a month. There is a maximum of 5 XRP per tip.


UPDATE: New XRP Tip Bot app available on Google Play and Apple Store. You can send up to 500 XRP per tip!

Tipping is a fantastic way to send appreciation to another person - your family member, a friend or a total stranger on Twitter!

Just scan your QR code and send or receive tips in real life (in the restaurant,
in a taxi, on a petrol station, in a hotel room etc.)!



1) XRP Tip Bot (Twitter)

2) XRP Tip Bot (Website)

3) ** TUTORIAL ** How to web monetize your content with Coil?


*** NOTES ***
1) Retweets don’t trigger tips.
2) You do not need to deposit to your XRP Tip Bot account to receive tips

1) XRP Tip Bot,, (shout-out to the creator of the XRP Tip Bot Wietse Wind)

*XRP Tip Bot is a bot that allows Reddit and Twitter users to send Ripple XRP to each other through reddit comments or Tweets. To start tipping XRP, you have to deposit XRP to your XRPTipBot-account first. Once you have XRP in your tipping account you can start tipping! To do this simply reply to a comment with a message of the format: reddit: +0.1 /u/xrptipbot, Twitter: +1.2 #xrptip


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